Request a consultation or personalized quote from Quimipol

Discover custom-designed solutions for your needs in anticorrosive extraction systems, plastic fabrication, and a wide range of industrial products. Our team of experts is ready to analyze your requirements and provide a technical proposal that ensures maximum efficiency and durability for your projects. With over 60 years of experience, Quimipol is committed to supporting your success with innovative solutions tailored to the specific demands of your industr

Formulario de solicitud de presupuesto o consulta con Quimipol, especializado en sistemas de extracción anticorrosiva.

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    Consultations or personalized quotes

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    Purpose: Respond to your request and send you commercial information about our products and services. Legitimation: Consent of the interested person. Recipient: No data transfers are foreseen. Rights: You can withdraw data transfers. You can withdraw your consent at any time and also access, rectify, delete your data and other rights through the mail Additional information: You can expand the information in the link Legal notices.

    Request a consultation or personalized quote from Quimipol

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      Consultations or personalized quotes

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      I agree to receive information about products, services and news (mails, newsletter)

      Purpose: Respond to your request and send you commercial information about our products and services. Legitimation: Consent of the interested person. Recipient: No data transfers are foreseen. Rights: You can withdraw data transfers. You can withdraw your consent at any time and also access, rectify, delete your data and other rights through the mail Additional information: You can expand the information in the link Legal notices.

      Request a consultation or personalized quote from Quimipol

      Discover custom-designed solutions for your needs in anticorrosive extraction systems, plastic fabrication, and a wide range of industrial products. Our team of experts is ready to analyze your requirements and provide a technical proposal that ensures maximum efficiency and durability for your projects. With over 60 years of experience, Quimipol is committed to supporting your success with innovative solutions tailored to the specific demands of your industrial.

      Formulario de solicitud de presupuesto o consulta con Quimipol, especializado en sistemas de extracción anticorrosiva.
      • Balmes, 139-145 Polígono Industrial Monsolís
        08930 Sant Adrià del Besós (Barcelona) SPAIN

      • +34 93 462 05 65

      • Lunes – Viernes de 8.00 – 18.00