Get to Know Us Better

Specialists in innovative solutions for anti-corrosion ventilation, gas purification and processing of technical plastics since 1963. An innovative range of products and services for the chemical and pharmaceutical industry that guarantees the utmost safety for people as well as environmental protection.


We are already trusted



Local, technical knowledge and quality

At QUIMIPOL we understand that service quality is a customer’s right, and as such, it must be an integral part of the people who make up our organisation. Likewise, an understanding of the organisation’s stakeholders, an analysis of the risks of not meeting their expectations, and preventing these same risks is ingrained in company policy.

Our vocation for service based on vicinity, technical knowledge and quality, has led us to adopt a management model, certified according to the ISO 9001:2015 standard and to implement a Quality Policy, which is based on the following principles:

  1. Understand and meet the needs and expectations of our customers and other stakeholders
  2. Apply the legal and regulatory requirements related to all stakeholders in the organisation
  3. Communicate to the client, as far in advance as possible, any incidents that may arise in the provision of the service, thus minimising the impact that these may have, as well as any risks that may affect the relevant stakeholders
  4. Strive for continuous improvement in the efficiency of our production and management processes, allowing us to be competitive in terms of our Quality – Price ratio
  5. Involve our staff and suppliers, with their contributions, to help us achieve Ongoing Improvement

As a consequence of this approach, our efforts are focused on various areas of action:

  • The ongoing improvement of the professional skills of our staff through annual training plans.
  • The ongoing improvement and technological innovation of our facilities to make them the most advanced in the sector.
  • The detection of improvement opportunities in our Management System, through periodic reviews that guarantee their constant adaptation and suitability to the demands of an increasingly competitive market and a constantly evolving environment.



Compromiso de cumplir todos los requisitos de nuestros clientes, incluyendo los relativos al producto, requisitos legales y reglamentarios.

Cooperación y cercanía

Crear y mantener relaciones profesionales saludables, transparentes, en un entorno de confianza y buscando continuamente valores añadidos.

Profesionalidad y respeto

Trabajamos juntos para crear una cultura de inclusión basada en la confianza y el respeto, siendo trasparentes, honestos y directos en nuestros tratos.

Flexibilidad y adaptabilidad

Somos ingeniosos y flexibles, siempre adaptándonos a las necesidades de nuestros clientes.

Trabajo en equipo

Colaboramos con eficacia, siempre en busca de formas más eficientes de servir a nuestros clientes.


Estamos comprometidos con las nuevas ideas que aportan valor.

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